Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sweetness on Turkey Day

I had a bona fide meltdown last Sunday. After a shower, church, and lunch in a restaurant with a very slippy floor, I arrived home exhausted. My leg hurt. My heart hurt. And I wasn't sure I could make the trip to South Georgia to celebrate Thanksgiving with my husband's family. So I cried and prayed and asked God to show me what to do.
My answer came in a phone call Monday morning. After a short conversation with a family member, I knew I was supposed to go.
So I packed lots of pillows, rode in the back seat, and propped my foot in Sam's lap - all the way to Bulloch County. While I enjoyed several sweet moments with family, this one remains my favorite.
We arrived at the "River House" about thirty minutes before meal time. While all the other women scurried to prepare the food, I sat with my achy foot on a stool. Before long, Lawrence, our nephew-in-law, walked over and handed me his new born son, Tripp. Tripp is only about two weeks old and as I gently traced his tiny fingers, I marveled at the miracle of life.
Soon after, Baby Catherine crawled over to meet tiny Tripp. Baby Catherine is a miracle herself. Doctor's didn't expect her to live. But after months in the hospital, she defied the odds. When I'm close to her, I feel like I'm connected to a concrete miracle of God.
So as I sat holding Tripp while Baby Catherine checked him out, I was overwhelmed with wonder, and thanked God for all that's good in life.
Nikki, my step-daughter, caught us film and posted the photo on Facebook.
The Psalmist once said, "But as for me, it is good to be near God." (Ps. 73: 28) As I cuddled with Tripp and Catherine, I felt near God and it was good.

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