Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week Five, Day Seven: Top Ten List

It's hard to believe I haven't taken a normal step in almost six weeks. I've scooted to and from everywhere, living the bare minimum. But that changes tomorrow. Soon I'll know if I'll push through pain straight into mobility, or if discomfort will impede progress, requiring continued support from my star wars boot.

I won't know till I take my first steps - tomorrow.

While I'd like to claim I've survived the last six weeks with seamless faith and peace, it's been hard. Increased activity led to Friday fatigue. Friday fatigue left me stuck in bed. And long days of rest made me long for normal life.

But the deep quiet in my house today, enhanced by a peaceful rain, reminds me to dig deep, to relax in the process, and to trust through the pain. The only other choice is worry, and worry helps nothing.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matt. 6: 25 -27)

I saw my doctor Thursday morning. During my last check up (I thought) he implied I would walk when I saw him this week. He instructed me to wait through the weekend, instead. And the slowest three days began. I've hunkered down at home, waiting for six-weeks-post-surgery to dawn.

Now as minutes turn to hours and hours lead to Downton Abbey (which will end at bedtime, indicating morning is on its way), I've decided to consider the top ten best things about living with no weight bearing for six weeks starting Dec. 31, 2012. God has his reasons and searching for them leads to gold. So...

#1 - My (fake) Christmas tree is still decorated and lit. Happy Valentine's Day, indeed.
#2 - I haven't stepped into a grocery store since 2012.
#3 - I've been forced to communicate my needs to my husband - something that's easy to avoid when you can just do it yourself but makes for a better marriage.
#4 - Several Bible study friends have driven me to far away follow up surgery appointments, transforming the tedious, long trips into fun outings.
#5 - Folks from church have delivered meals every other day for two weeks. While I never knew who was coming or what they were bringing, their service kept us fed.
#6 - Don scrubbed a bathtub for me - seriously!
#7 - OK - even though I'm weary of 24/7 scooter time, the scooter should be on the list. Rolling down long halls with smooth floors is cheap therapy.
#8 - Most of January passed with me indoors, snuggled in flannels, avoiding cold weather.
#9 - I've saved on make up and gas money.
#10 - I opened the book One Thousand Gifts and remembered Eucharisteo.

Here's to God's goodness which I too easily forget... and to my sister who hosted a Trey birthday/super bowl party last weekend that got both boys back home. Love the cousin camaraderie.

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." (1 Chronicles 29: 13)

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