Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Starting Again

An entire season has passed since I last wrote. I fell on Nov. 14th after months of concern about my weak right ankle. It encountered a small stick or a pine cone, I'm not sure which, and the ankle rolled. As I lay on my front sidewalk in pain, I became well aware that at least one surgery was imminent.

About the time I began to recover from ankle surgery, we sold my former home and moved from the east to the west side of town. Within a week of the move, pain in my back intensified and I realized it needed care. After two trips to the ER on the same day (one in an ambulance), I was admitted to the hospital where the docs discovered a large herniated disk.

It's been two months since back surgery and I'm still recovering. In some ways I have more control of my walking. But my right foot is quite numb and if I lay on my left side with bended knees, I can't lift my right leg. It won't budge. An MRI of my back has been ordered to check for bone fragments which means one surgeon wonders if I might require a third surgery to heal.

It's been easy to hunker down in silence during the long winter months.

But the birds are singing today. It's seventy degrees and the sky is crystal blue. I'm wearing a spring skirt over freshly shaven legs which is no small feat. And the view from the shade of my covered front porch includes a landscape dotted with bright yellow daffodils.

"See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come..." (Song of Songs 2: 11-12)

Today, I can join with the birds, delighting in a new season, a new time, a new day to just celebrate the Good King is on His throne and has it all under control.

No, it's not easy. But He is good.

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