Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Hand that Holds

I started a new supplement about a month ago. Just this week I've noticed a big difference. I wake up better, have more energy, and even made it to church on Sunday after staying out till 2 am Saturday night with my sister at a high school reunion. That would never have happened a month ago.

The last two nights I've even had enough foot power left to walk around the block, not once, but twice. Still, the first night out, I noticed how imperative it was that I hold Don's hand.

Balance fascinates me. I read a short write up on balance while visiting my grandparents at their adult living center in Philadelphia last Christmas. While muscle strength is an obvious necessary for balance, vision and touch can make a big difference as well.

Sometimes when I walk into a large store, I feel off kilter until my long distance eye muscles adjust. Sometimes when maneuvering through a large room, I touch a chair here or there or run my fingers against a wall to maintain balance. I even noticed recently that a busy carpet pattern on the floor of a particular church makes walking its halls a challenge.

If I didn't live in this body, none of that would make sense. But it's very real to me that vision, touch, and physical strength all combine to create balance.

As we walked around the block Sunday night, I marveled at my stride and ability to keep going. But if I let go of Don's hand, I stumbled. My legs got heavy and I lost control. When I put my hand back in his, my step stabilized and we continued on. The simple touch of his hand kept me centered and steady.

I'm very grateful for Don's hand but couldn't help thinking about the importance of "puttin' my hand in the hand of the man who stilled the waters..."

While reconnecting with folks from high school, I heard enough painful stories to remind me that this world is not an easy place to live.

It requires strength: "I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation." (Ps. 118: 13-14 NIV)

It requires vision: "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." (Ps. 34: 5 NIV)

It requires touch: "Where can I go from your spirit?... If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." (Ps. 139: 7 & 9-10 NIV)

He is our strength. He is our vision. And His right hand is at the ready, holding us fast.

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