Friday, June 29, 2012

What I Observed

I didn't take many photos at the beach this year. While on the sand I contemplated, What's up with my body?... not, What photo should I take? But on our last day, I made a list of my favorite memories. So while I struggled going from participator in fun to observer of the same, I got to see some cool things.

I've already written about the rainbows. But I'll start with them because I don't remember seeing so many rainbows in past years. And it was all about timing. Walking outdoors at the right moment. Being led by the divine to see His handiwork in the sky. A quiet whisper from heaven that all is well.

The first day I sat on the beach, Sam, and his two cousins, Trey and Josh, showed up. They waded into yellow flag waves and threw a frisbee. They flowed with the disk, up and down the beach, framed by a blue sky, a bright sun, and white caps. I wasn't with them in the water, but I liked what I observed.

A few days later, I caught all three stretched out in front of a TV, watching High School Musical 2. Stunned, I stayed long enough to make sure I hadn't mislabeled the show. But no, a corny Disney musical flick had my Sam's attention. He claimed Josh chose it. And since Josh is almost a teen, he could have been lured by the whole cute-Disney-girl thing. I'll never know. I just closed the door with a smile. Cousin bonding of a different kind observed.

As I walked from the pool on a dark side street the following night, the same three lay on their backs in the middle of the road, star gazing. Sam swore they had enough time to jump up if a car came. I wasn't so sure. But since they looked at peace with the world and seemed content to expand their horizons while bonding with pavement, I didn't insist on a change. I walked away, hoping a shooting star would fly across the night sky.

At some point the cousins (including Jess and her friend, Kimber) discovered they could play ultimate frisbee on the golf course in the late evening. They looked like grasshoppers from our balconies. As I stared out my bedroom window mid-week, two grasshoppers stopped throwing the frisbee and began - waltzing. I never heard why Josh (5' 5) got Trey (6' 4) to waltz with him on the golf course. But I know Josh recently won a waltz competition and I can only guess the open green had the lure of a dance floor. I wish all the grasshoppers had danced. But one of them threw the frisbee again and the running began instead.

The cousins sang, played guitar on our balconies, and gathered to work on Bible studies at different times during the week.  There was a lot to observe. And I sure am glad they have each other and that they had the chance to make such cool memories together.

My dad rented a boat the last day. I stayed behind due to sun and motion concerns. But I heard more great stories and saw this photo. My oldest had flown into town and got to spend the afternoon with everyone. So even Nathan was there when Jess discovered a seahorse swimming in the bay.

Counsins observed... a very good thing.

Check out Susan Schreer Davis on Itunes!

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