Monday, September 28, 2009

He Who Dwells

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty..." (Ps. 91:1)

I'm a news junky. And my refurbished computer makes surfing the web for odd tidbits of news an easy past time. Sifting through dramatic stories bordering on the morose, however, takes it toll. In time, my spirit is heavy; my soul downcast.

Ironically, I often wallow in news muck when I'm already a bit disheartened, as if I'll find a story to feed my thirst. Instead of "feeding" my soul, the bundle of bad news leaves me numb. And then I dwell in numbness.

"He who dwells in the shelter..."

I went to Emory last week for an EMG, hoping for clarification as to my odd physical issues. They performed the test and stated emphatically, absent a bed side manner, that I do NOT have a myopathy. While I'm fine not having a myopathy, their assertion contradicts what another respected physician noted last June.

And I fight dwelling in crazy lady land.

Sam is scheduled for a muscle biopsy based on the results of our tests last June. Emory's neurologists stated I should ask this other doc about his findings. After a day or two of deliberation, it became clear we should continue with the biopsy.

As a side note, I just googled the pediatric doc's name and found he was featured as the only recommended pediatric neurologist in a recent addition of the Atlanta Magazine. Check this out if you need a "Top Doc"...

Regardless, as my head hit the pillow last week (after reading too many news stories), the office visit replayed in my mind, the doctor's voices almost hypnotic in their determination to convince me their test was superior to the other. I began to question the last four months of progress, which led me straight down the path to crazy land.

But then a gentle prompting pulled me back. "He who dwells in the shelter..." And I remembered there's a shelter, a divine presence, a place of refuge where the Almighty takes each hit, if only I will dwell there, setting my heart in that place of peace.

He who dwells...

Where do you dwell? I know where I want to dwell. I want to dwell where "I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" (Ps. 91:2)

My boys and I memorized this Psalm long ago and used to say it each morning on our way to school. I just read it aloud this morning.

The promises are rich for "He who dwells".


Kay Dew Shostak said...

Amen, Sister! Great reminder and great writing. Especially like the "crazy lady land" thing. Can't wait for coffee with you!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kay. I'm looking forward to time with you as well. You're always a blessing!

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